Signature lower right. On the reverse: signature, date and title; declaration of authenticity by Mario Lilloni; [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 30x40
Signature lower right. On the reverse: signature, date and title; declaration of authenticity by Mario Lilloni; [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 30x40
Signature lower right. On the reverse: signature and date; "FH14"; Sant'Erasmo Club Arte label and stamps, Milan, [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 50x40
Signature lower right. On the reverse: signature and date; "FH14"; Sant'Erasmo Club Arte label and stamps, Milan, [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 50x40
Signature top left. Work registered in the Xavier Bueno Archive. Authentication on photo of the General Photographic [..], Oil on canvas cardboard, cm. 39.5x30
Signature top left. Work registered in the Xavier Bueno Archive. Authentication on photo of the General Photographic [..], Oil on canvas cardboard, cm. 39.5x30
Signature top left. On the reverse: signature; label Galleria d'Arte Santacroce, Florence. Authentication by Raffaele [..], Mixed technique on canvas, cm. 70x50
Signature top left. On the reverse: signature; label Galleria d'Arte Santacroce, Florence. Authentication by Raffaele [..], Mixed technique on canvas, cm. 70x50
Signature lower right. Work registered with the rep number. 7 of the Pirandello house roll 160. Certificate of [..], Mixed media and wax crayons on paper, cm. 28x44
Signature lower right. Work registered with the rep number. 7 of the Pirandello house roll 160. Certificate of [..], Mixed media and wax crayons on paper, cm. 28x44
Sign at the bottom to the left. On the reverse: signature and title. Provenance: La Bussola Gallery, Turin; Galleria [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 82x102
Sign at the bottom to the left. On the reverse: signature and title. Provenance: La Bussola Gallery, Turin; Galleria [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 82x102
Signature lower right. On the reverse: Exposition Douanes Pisis stamps. The work is registered at the Associazione [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 38x46
Signature lower right. On the reverse: Exposition Douanes Pisis stamps. The work is registered at the Associazione [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 38x46
Signature and date lower right. On the reverse: on the frame, dedication; Galleria dell'Annunciata label, Milan; [..], Oil on canvas (reduced), cm. 23.5x33.5
Signature and date lower right. On the reverse: on the frame, dedication; Galleria dell'Annunciata label, Milan; [..], Oil on canvas (reduced), cm. 23.5x33.5
Signature and date in the lower center. On the reverse: label and stamps of the Sianesi Art Gallery, Milan with [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 33x22
Signature and date in the lower center. On the reverse: label and stamps of the Sianesi Art Gallery, Milan with [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 33x22