On the reverse, on the frame: signature. Filed in the Maria Isabella Bueno Archive with number AB 018/022. Authentication [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 42x68
On the reverse, on the frame: signature. Filed in the Maria Isabella Bueno Archive with number AB 018/022. Authentication [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 42x68
Signature and date lower right. On the reverse: label Galleria d'Arte Mentana, Florence with details of the wor [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 112.5x43
Signature and date lower right. On the reverse: label Galleria d'Arte Mentana, Florence with details of the wor [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 112.5x43
Signature and date lower left. On the reverse: label Galleria La Navicella, Viareggio with details of the work. [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 40x50
Signature and date lower left. On the reverse: label Galleria La Navicella, Viareggio with details of the work. [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 40x50
Signature and date lower left. On the reverse: signature and date. Bibliography: 2000, G. Bruno, P. G. Castagnoli, [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 60x65
Signature and date lower left. On the reverse: signature and date. Bibliography: 2000, G. Bruno, P. G. Castagnoli, [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 60x65
Signature and date lower right. On the reverse: Studio d'Arte Palma label, Rome. Authentication by Luigi Cavallo [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 40x55
Signature and date lower right. On the reverse: Studio d'Arte Palma label, Rome. Authentication by Luigi Cavallo [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 40x55