Signed and dated lower right. On the reverse: signature and title. Authentication by the author on photo. Exhibitions: [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 50x60
Signed and dated lower right. On the reverse: signature and title. Authentication by the author on photo. Exhibitions: [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 50x60
Signed and edition lower right. On the reverse: stamp with signature and data of the work. Authentic Historical [..], Painted bas-relief, cm. 73x48; eg. 8/9
Signed and edition lower right. On the reverse: stamp with signature and data of the work. Authentic Historical [..], Painted bas-relief, cm. 73x48; eg. 8/9
Signed lower center. Bibliography: 1997, Migneco, General Catalogue, Nicola Carlo Luciani, Bonaparte Editrice, [..], Colored ink on paper transferred to canvas, cm. 22x30
Signed lower center. Bibliography: 1997, Migneco, General Catalogue, Nicola Carlo Luciani, Bonaparte Editrice, [..], Colored ink on paper transferred to canvas, cm. 22x30