Signed and dated lower right. On the reverse: date and dedication. Author's authentication on photo, with Galleria [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 50x70
Signed and dated lower right. On the reverse: date and dedication. Author's authentication on photo, with Galleria [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 50x70
signature lower left. Author's authentication on photo with stamp of Galleria d'Arte Dei Benci, Florence., Oil on canvas transferred to cardboard, cm. 35x30
signature lower left. Author's authentication on photo with stamp of Galleria d'Arte Dei Benci, Florence., Oil on canvas transferred to cardboard, cm. 35x30
Signed and edition lower right. On the reverse: stamp with signature and data of the work. Authentic Historical [..], Painted bas-relief, cm. 73x48; eg. 8/9
Signed and edition lower right. On the reverse: stamp with signature and data of the work. Authentic Historical [..], Painted bas-relief, cm. 73x48; eg. 8/9