On the reverse: title; declaration of authenticity by Mariuccia Noè Rognoni. Authentication on photo by Mariuccia [..], Pastels on paper transferred onto canvas, cm. 30x20
On the reverse: title; declaration of authenticity by Mariuccia Noè Rognoni. Authentication on photo by Mariuccia [..], Pastels on paper transferred onto canvas, cm. 30x20
On the reverse: title; declaration of authenticity by Mariuccia Noè Rognoni. Authentication on photo by Mariuccia [..], Pastels on paper transferred onto canvas, cm. 30x20
On the reverse: title; declaration of authenticity by Mariuccia Noè Rognoni. Authentication on photo by Mariuccia [..], Pastels on paper transferred onto canvas, cm. 30x20
Signature bottom right. On the reverse: author's declaration of authenticity, with date. Author's authentication [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 40x50
Signature bottom right. On the reverse: author's declaration of authenticity, with date. Author's authentication [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 40x50
Signature and dedication bottom right. The work is registered in the Guttuso Archives with the number. 1815412415. [..], Indian ink and acrylic highlights on paper, cm. 35x49.5
Signature and dedication bottom right. The work is registered in the Guttuso Archives with the number. 1815412415. [..], Indian ink and acrylic highlights on paper, cm. 35x49.5
Signature bottom center. On the reverse: signature, date and title; stamp with no. reference CGHHP/01678. Authentication [..], Oil on the table, cm. 24x18
Signature bottom center. On the reverse: signature, date and title; stamp with no. reference CGHHP/01678. Authentication [..], Oil on the table, cm. 24x18
On the reverse: stamp Galleria Fant Cagnì, Brescia; stamp Galleria d'Arte 32, Milan; label IV Biennale di Bolzano. [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 160.5x120.5
On the reverse: stamp Galleria Fant Cagnì, Brescia; stamp Galleria d'Arte 32, Milan; label IV Biennale di Bolzano. [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 160.5x120.5