Signed lower right. Work being archived in the Author's Archive edited by Leonardo Ghiglia and Stefano Zampieri [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 68.5x130
Signed lower right. Work being archived in the Author's Archive edited by Leonardo Ghiglia and Stefano Zampieri [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 68.5x130
Signed lower right. Work being archived in the Author's Archive curated by Leonardo Ghiglia and Stefano Zampier [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 35x75.5
Signed lower right. Work being archived in the Author's Archive curated by Leonardo Ghiglia and Stefano Zampier [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 35x75.5
Signed top right. On the reverse: ancient manuscript cartouche with title of the work and address of the author [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 80x50
Signed top right. On the reverse: ancient manuscript cartouche with title of the work and address of the author [..], Oil painting on canvas, cm. 80x50
Signed lower right. On the reverse: ancient handwritten scroll "Author: Adolfo Tommasi/ Subject: Snowfall in Castelnuovo/della [..], Watercolors on paper, cm. 48x37
Signed lower right. On the reverse: ancient handwritten scroll "Author: Adolfo Tommasi/ Subject: Snowfall in Castelnuovo/della [..], Watercolors on paper, cm. 48x37