Extremely rare box with pistols of the Papal Noble Guard
pair of Empire style pistols, datable to the 1920s / 1930s (pontificate of Pius VII or Leo XII), created with flint and subsequently reduced to percussion in use: the barrels in damascus, cylindrical with core smooth, they carry a gold patch punch on the burst chambers of the Fabbrica Ponti in Rome; batteries in good working order; walnut cases with gilded bronze fittings, the buttpads are engraved in the initial period of the client user; iron ramrods; the box contains the original tool kit, consisting of a mallet and cleaning rod with ball socket, powder flask, dispenser, screwdrivers and ball bottoms; the bonnet is internally lined with blue velvet with compartments for the weapons and related accessories of the French type, it is laminated on the outside with a blond-colored essence, the lid bearing beautiful inlays depicting the large and elaborate trophy of the Corps in the center flanked on the sides from decussed keys; the whole, in an excellent state of integrity and completeness, appeared in a long and elaborate article at the time published by the magazine Diana Armi signed by the famous, late oplologist and historian Alfredo Bartocci